Why are the fees for the “free shipping” service being adjusted?


Tokopedia, an Indonesian e-commerce platform, is adjusting the fees for its “free shipping” and “admin” services. These fee adjustments will be based on the seller’s membership level.

According to a notification from Tokopedia to sellers last month, the fee adjustments for the “free shipping” service are being made to “align with the costs of providing the service.” The specific fee rates for each membership level, which include Regular merchant, Power merchant, and Power merchant pro, can be found in a table provided by Tokopedia.

As for the fee adjustments for the “admin” service, they are being implemented in order to “improve the overall seller experience and provide better value for money.” The fees for this service will be increased for all sellers and are broken down into different category groups, with each group having its own fee rate. The category groups include items such as books, electronics, and home goods.

Overall, these fee adjustments may have an impact on sellers as they will be required to pay more for these services. It is unclear at this time how these adjustments may affect consumers.

Fee adjustments for “free shipping” service

According to a recent announcement from Indonesian e-commerce platform Tokopedia, the fees for its “free shipping” service will be adjusted starting on January 2nd. The reason for this adjustment is not explicitly stated in the announcement.

The fees for the “free shipping” service will be adjusted based on the seller’s membership level. There are three membership levels on Tokopedia: Regular merchant, Power merchant, and Power merchant pro. The fee rates for each membership level are determined by the amount of sales the seller makes per month, and the status of the seller’s account can be viewed on their account page.

The previous and current fee rates for each membership level are as follows:

Membership LevelBefore November 2020November 2020January 2nd, 2023
Regular merchant3%3.5%4%
Power merchant2.25%3%4%
Power merchant pro1.5%2.5%4%

It is not clear why Tokopedia has decided to adjust the fees for its “free shipping” service, or why the fees are being adjusted based on the seller’s membership level. It is possible that the changes are being made in order to generate additional revenue for the company, or to incentivize sellers to upgrade their membership level in order to access lower fees. It is also possible that the changes are being made in response to changes in the cost of providing the “free shipping” service, such as changes in shipping rates or other operating costs.

Fee adjustments for “admin” service

Tokopedia, an Indonesian e-commerce platform, has announced that it will be increasing its fees for its “admin” service. These fee adjustments will affect all sellers on the platform, regardless of their membership level.

According to Tokopedia, the reason for the increase in fees for the “admin” service is not specified. It is possible that the company is looking to improve its own profits or cover the costs of maintaining and improving the platform.

In addition to the overall fee increase, the rates for the “admin” service will also vary based on the category group to which a seller’s products belong. There are five category groups in total, ranging from Group 1 (which includes items such as books, electronics, and fashion) to Group 5 (which currently only includes automotive products).

The previous and current fee rates for each category group are as follows:

Group 1: 3% (previously) / 4.5% (currently)

Group 2: 2.5% (previously) / 3.8% (currently)

Group 3: 1.75% (previously) / 3.1% (currently)

Group 4: 2.5% (previously) / 1.8% (currently)

Group 5: 1.5% (previously) / 2% (currently)

It is important for sellers to be aware of these fee adjustments and to consider how they may impact their own businesses. It may be necessary for sellers to adjust their prices or reassess their use of the “admin” service in order to continue operating on the platform. The definition of each category group, such as babies & kids fashion and beauty products, helps sellers understand which group their products belong to and what fees they can expect to pay. Understanding the groupings can also help sellers decide how to best market their products and to which consumers.


In conclusion, Tokopedia is making adjustments to the fees it charges for its “free shipping” and “admin” services. For the “free shipping” service, the fees will be adjusted based on the seller’s membership level, with higher fees for higher membership levels. For the “admin” service, the fees will be increased for all sellers, with different rates for different category groups.

These fee adjustments may have a potential impact on both sellers and consumers. Sellers may see an increase in their overall costs for using the platform, which could affect their profitability and pricing decisions. Consumers may also see changes in the prices of products offered on the platform, as sellers may need to pass on some of the increased costs to them. It remains to be seen how these changes will ultimately affect the e-commerce market in Indonesia.